Thursday, 8 October 2009

Vladimir Propp Narrative Structure (The Shining)

Vladimir Propp's narrative structure has its advantages and it disadvantages. There are points in the theory that are correct, and almost perfectly suit the structure of the film. This is for example "The hero is persued" This happens in the shining where Jack is chaseing Danny through the maze. There are also other points that are not only incorrect they seem to be misplaced within the structure, what I mean by this is for example "The hero is transferred to the general location of the object of his mission/quest" In the shining the character is already at the destination and has been there almost since the begining of the film, but in the structure it notes that the character should be transferred there almost three quarters of the way through. This example like a few others in Propps theory was incorrect, some more noticeable than others but still wrong. Overall this shows that Propps structure is very good at basic narrative structures but seems to struggle with more complex ones.

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