Monday 1 March 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During the project I used many technologies in multiple stages, this includes technologies such as "Adobe Photoshop" this piece of software was used in the making of the two ancillary texts, this was key in the completeion of the two tasks. I was able to make the magazine front cover look proffessional and to a high standard, this was also done by useing the "Internet" to research exsisting successfull magazines and incorperating the nessessary techniques and qualitys into my own work. "Adobe Photoshop" was very helpful and played an enormous role in the creation of the final products, you are able to do many things on this piece of software this includes simple and more complex tasks. This includes processes such as: cropping images and manipulating them to fit the situation, inserting texts and cutomising them to the correct style, useing a range of colours for design possibilitys etc...
Another technology that I used in the project was "Final Cut Pro" this enabled me to actually create the trailer. This piece of software helped to edit the material we filmed and gathered, for example getting  long piece of video nd then cropping it down so that it was suitible. We then could insert it into the timeline very accurately so that it would fit into the structure of the trailer. Final Cut Pro was one of the most important if not the most important piece of software technology that we used, with out  this we would not have been able to construct the final trailer. Final Cut Pro also enabled a profeesional and effective end product.
The blogging technique that we have used to do a major part of our work on and present our work on has been very effective. This enabled us to store all of the work for this project on there including all of the final pieces. It was very easy and straight forward to use, and was also very convinient because you could do the work almost anywhere includeing at home, this enabled us to get alot more work done. Images and videos were very easy to upload and then talk about by anotating around them. You can also see examples of other peoples blogs so that you can get an idea of what to include.
The digital video camera that we used to film the trailer was obviously critical in the making of the trailer, this was very easy to use all you simply do is point to construct the correct shot taking in to consideration the angle and shot type. The transferr of the film digitally was very effcient and quick, this was a very easy process to complete.
"Garageband" was another piece of software that was used in the creation of the trailer, this enabled us to put sound onto the trailer with ease. By useing this piece of software we were able to personalise the soundtrack for the trailer and make it sound unique. For example you could record a sound or use one that is currently on the software and then minipulate it to suit the trailer and effect that you are looking for.
Another piece of technology that was used during this project was "Flickr", once creating an account I was able to upload photos and images both secondary and primary. I was then able to annotate in a very easy way, this was done by selecting the area you wish to discuss with a square and then entering information and comments about it. After completing that you could hover the mouse over the photo and see what you have written about specific areas. For example in one image you could hover the mouse over an area and it would say something along the lines of the darkness in this area of the image helps to maintain a mysterious and creepy effect which is key when creating a horror, it also connotes evil. This piece of technology was also very good to use because it enabled a fluent way to make notes.
A very obvious and commonly used piece of technology which is now days a key part of the internet was one of the main elements in this project, this was "You-tube". You-tube was a great resource for gathering information and also for putting videos on our blogs to analyse. By using You-tube we were able to get to know what could be in our trailer, simply because we could look at already made trailers from horror films that are already successful. As mentioned previously  we could put the videos on our blogs and then analyse them this was helpful because it enabled us to look more in depth at the trailer but more importantly it underlying formulae which constructs it, and basically what goes in to make it succeed.
Overall technology is a key and very important part of this project, most of the tasks and basically the majority of the project would have not been able to be complete without it.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel there are some good comments here but you need to illustrate it and to develop your comments further, particularly on using blogger/flickr/youtube etc for the EVALUATION. Compare these techs to more traditional evaluation methods. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

    ALSO - where is question 2? Get it done URGENTLY!
